Workshop: Visual Arts

Workshop: Fanzine creation/production


Workshop Title: Explore creative writing through image


Participants: Young persons between 18 – 30 years old


Mentor: Marina Zervou


Workshop Objectives:

This workshop aims to produce a unique art piece by introducing the participants to the world of fanzines.


The creation and production of these fanzines could be described as an art experiment which explores ways of conveying ideas through the “partnership” of image and words.


In this workshop, we expect that the “free play” of art - relating found and made images with written words without judgement and prenotions- will steer the participants to view, under a new scope, the ideas and concepts that emerge within their own creative writing.


Using mix media usually found in fine art pieces, like drawing, collage, painting, calligraphy etc., this workshop aims to explore in a creative manner a synergy between image and words but not in the strict manner of illustrating a text. Special art skills are not needed by the participants because these fanzines would not be considered as strict text illustration designs.


The Fanzine workshop is an invitation for the participants to explore and investigate through art different and sometimes unorthodox ways to perceive, understand, and communicate a piece of written literature.


Desired Outcomes:

Participants are expected to:

·       Produce a self-published handmade art-literature magazine

·       Using methods correlating with fine art participants are expected to experiment in a free manner in order to explore other possibilities of how one could articulate his/her ideas through a different media

·       Create their own fanzine based on found images and their individual pieces of creating writing (other pieces of literature which the participants find inspiring may also be used)

·       Discover through art diverse routes to communicate a written piece of creative literature to a broader and/or different audience




·      How we can create a fanzine? Video and power point presentation

·      Familiarization with the materials, exploration and experimentation with the materials

·     Creation of a rough sketch of the fanzine, exploring ideas, selecting images for collage, parts from the texts produced during the creating writing workshops by the participants, experimenting with drawing

·       Finalizing ideas

·       Create and produce the final art piece



Participants are encouraged to bring with them a collection of found images, like photographs from newspapers, magazines, old posters etc. which they find interesting in any way.


The participants should also bring with them photocopy material of a piece of literature or a piece of creating writing which may be also used during the production their fanzines.


Art materials like paper, pens, pencils, markers, paint, color pencils, scissors, clue etc, and some found images will be provided.




DAY 1: Marina Zervou


Articulate offers an alternative platform for democratic participation.

Stay tuned to learn more on how our workshops will utilize arts to enhance productive dialogue and active citizenship!